Dear creatives, we are here for you!

We are working towards supporting you more and more by providing you with pastoral care and chaplaincy through Facetime and Zoom.

The Haven + London Update on Covid-19

Our chaplains, counselors and mental health advisors are helping us to look after you better. We have updated our section ‘Helpful Links’ under ‘Helping Creatives’. You will find a list where you can go for financial support by sector, a list of chaplaincies and mental health support.

As for the chaplaincy support at The Haven + London, we celebrate inclusion and diversity. We recognise that our community is made up of individuals from all faiths to none. Our board of trustees represent different faiths.

At The Haven + London we respond to requests for prayers, wedding and funerals that are always requested by the creatives themselves and such services may be offered at St Pancras Church, Euston, in the future.

However, we do not impose our view or personal faith on anyone. If you’d like to organise to speak to one of our chaplains, you can contact them on their emails directly for availability (you will need to copy and paste the email address).

All our chaplains are DBS Enhanced and to see our Safeguarding policy click this link.

Our chaplaincy is open to all and we serve creatives and artists from all faiths and none, we understand that some may feel at home with a chaplain from their own tradition. Please see our list of other faith chaplaincies that you may wish to contact.

The Haven + London, with The Board of Trustees alongside our Safeguarding Officer ensues that our safeguarding policy is updated. Any concern should be brought to the attention The Haven + London Safeguarding Officer Dr Mark Beach and the team email address is

Sarah Carr

Rev Ric Stott